Akhmadishina, K. F., Bobrinetskiy, I. I., Komarov, I. A., Malovichko, A. M., Nevolin, V. K., Fedorov, G. E., et al. (2015). Fast-response biological sensors based on single-layer carbon nanotubes modified with specific aptamers. Semicond., 49(13), 1749–1753.
Abstract: The possibility of the fabrication of a fast-response biological sensor based on a composite of single-layer carbon nanotubes and aptamers for the specific detection of proteins is shown. The effect of modification of the surface of the carbon nanotubes on the selectivity and sensitivity of the sensors is investigated. It is shown that carboxylated nanotubes have a better selectivity for detecting thrombin.
Dube, I., Jiménez, D., Fedorov, G., Boyd, A., Gayduchenko, I., Paranjape, M., et al. (2015). Understanding the electrical response and sensing mechanism of carbon-nanotube-based gas sensors. Carbon, 87, 330–337.
Abstract: Gas sensors based on carbon nanotube field effect transistors (CNFETs) have outstanding sensitivity compared to existing technologies. However, the lack of understanding of the sensing mechanism has greatly hindered progress on calibration standards and customization of these nano-sensors. Calibration requires identifying fundamental transistor parameters and establishing how they vary in the presence of a gas. This work focuses on modeling the electrical response of CNTFETs in the presence of oxidizing (NO2) and reducing (NH3) gases and determining how the transistor characteristics are affected by gas-induced changes of contact properties, such as the Schottky barrier height and width, and by the doping level of the nanotube. From the theoretical fits of the experimental transfer characteristics at different concentrations of NO2 and NH3, we find that the CNTFET response can be modeled by introducing changes in the Schottky barrier height. These changes are directly related to the changes in the metal work function of the electrodes that we determine experimentally, independently, with a Kelvin probe. Our analysis yields a direct correlation between the ON – current and the changes in the electrode metal work function. Doping due to molecules adsorbed at the carbon-nanotube/metal interface also affects the transfer characteristics.
Eletskii, A. V., Sarychev, A. K., Boginskaya, I. A., Bocharov, G. S., Gaiduchenko, I. A., Egin, M. S., et al. (2018). Amplification of a Raman scattering signal by carbon nanotubes. Dokl. Phys., 63(12), 496–498.
Abstract: The effect of Raman scattering (RLS) signal amplification by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was studied. Single-layered nanotubes were synthesized by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method using methane as a carbon-containing gas. The object of study used was water, the Raman spectrum of which is rather well known. Amplification of the Raman scattering signal by several hundred percent was attained in our work. The maximum amplification of a Raman scattering signal was shown to be achieved at an optimal density of nanotubes on a substrate. This effect was due to the scattering and screening of plasmons excited in CNTs by neighboring nanotubes. The amplification mechanism and the possibilities of optimization for this effect were discussed on the basis of the theory of plasmon resonance in carbon nanotubes.
Fedorov, G., Kardakova, A., Gayduchenko, I., Charayev, I., Voronov, B. M., Finkel, M., et al. (2013). Photothermoelectric response in asymmetric carbon nanotube devices exposed to sub-terahertz radiation. Appl. Phys. Lett., 103(18), 181121 (1 to 5).
Abstract: We report on the voltage response of carbon nanotube devices to sub-terahertz (THz) radiation. The devices contain carbon nanotubes (CNTs), which are over their length partially suspended and partially Van der Waals bonded to a SiO2 substrate, causing a difference in thermal contact. We observe a DC voltage upon exposure to 140 GHz radiation. Based on the observed gate voltage and power dependence, at different temperatures, we argue that the observed signal is both thermal and photovoltaic. The room temperature responsivity in the microwave to THz range exceeds that of CNT based devices reported before. Authors thank Professor P. Barbara for providing the catalyst for CNT growth and Dr. N. Chumakov and V. Rylkov for stimulating discussions. The work was supported by the RFBR (Grant No. 12-02-01291-a) and by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Contract No. 14.B25.31.0007). G.F. acknowledges support of the RFBR grant 12-02-01005-a.
Fedorov, G., Kardakova, A., Gayduchenko, I., Voronov, B. M., Finkel, M., Klapwijk, T. M., et al. (2014). Photothermoelectric response in asymmetric carbon nanotube devices exposed to sub-THz radiation. In Proc. 25th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (71).
Abstract: This work reports on the voltage response of asymmetric carbon nanotube devices to sub-THz radiation at the frequency of 140 GHz. The devices contain CNT’s, which are over their length partially suspended and partially Van der Waals bonded to a SiO 2 substrate, causing a difference in thermal contact. Different heat sinking of CNTs by source and drain gives rise to temperature gradient and consequent thermoelectric power (TEP) as such a device is exposed to the sub-THz radiation. Sign of the DC signal, its power and gate voltage dependence observed at room temperature are consistent with this scenario. At liquid helium temperature the observed response is more complex. DC voltage signal of an opposite sign is observed in a narrow range of gate voltages at low temperatures and under low radiation power. We argue that this may indicate a true photovoltaic response from small gap (less than 10meV) CNT’s, an effect never reported before. While it is not clear if the observed effects can be used to develop efficient THz detectors we note that the responsivity of our devices exceeds that of CNT based devices in microwave or THz range reported before at room temperature. Besides at 4.2 K notable increase of the sample conductance (at least four-fold) is observed. Our recent results with asymmetric carbon nanotube devices response to THz radiation (2.5 THz) will also be presented.