Maslennikov, S. (2014). RF heating efficiency of the terahertz superconducting hot-electron bolometer. arXiv, 1404.5276, arXiv:1404.5276. Retrieved October 31, 2024, from http://arxiv.org/abs/1404.5276
Abstract: We report results of the numerical solution by the Euler method of the system of heat balance equations written in recurrent form for the superconducting hot-electron bolometer (HEB) embedded in an electrical circuit. By taking into account the dependence of the HEB resistance on the transport current we have been able to calculate rigorously the RF heating efficiency, absorbed local oscillator (LO) power and conversion gain of the HEB mixer. We show that the calculated conversion gai nis in excellent agreement with the experimental results, and that the substitution of the calculated RF heating efficiency and absorbed LO power into the expressions for the conversion gain and noise temperature given by the analytical small-signal model of the HEB yields excellent agreement with the corresponding measured values
Keywords: superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixer, HEB, NbN, distributed model, HEB model, HEB mixer model, heat balance equa-tions, conversion gain, RF heating efficiency, noise temperature, simulation, Euler method
Ryabchun, S., Tong, C. -yu E., Blundell, R., Kimberk, R., & Gol’tsman, G. (2006). Effect of microwave radiation on the stability of terahertz hot-electron bolometer mixers. In M. Anwar, A. J. DeMaria, & M. S. Shur (Eds.), Proc. SPIE (Vol. 6373, 63730J (1 to 5)). SPIE.
Abstract: We report our studies of the effect of microwave radiation, with a frequency much lower than that corresponding to the energy gap of the superconductor, on the performance of the NbN hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixer incorporated into a THz heterodyne receiver. It is shown that exposing the HEB mixer to microwave radiation does not result in a significant rise of the receiver noise temperature and degradation of the mixer conversion gain so long as the level of microwave power is small compared to the local oscillator drive. Hence the injection of a small, but controlled amount of microwave radiation enables active compensation of local oscillator power and coupling fluctuations which can significantly degrade the stability of HEB mixer receivers.
Ожегов, Р. В., Окунев, О. В., & Гольцман, Г. Н. (2009). Флуктуационная чувствительность сверхпроводящего болометрического смесителя на эффекте разогрева электронного газа. Радиотехника, (3), 120–124.
Abstract: Interest in research in the terahertz range is driven by a great number of various applications, where terahertz instruments may play a leading role. To name just a few, such applications include study of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the distribution of the dark matter, medicine, navigation, fire alarm, security systems and environmental monitoring. The paper discusses the possibility of using a receiver based on the hot-electron effect in superconducting films as an imaging system. We present the results of the noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) measurements performed with a hot-electron bolometer mixer made from a thin superconducting film. The receiver with a noise temperature of ~ 3800 K at a local oscillator frequency of 300 GHz a bandwidth of 500 MHz and an integration time of 1 s has offered an NETD of 0.5 K. We have also developed a technique that enabled us to reduce the contribution of the mixer gain fluctuations to the overall system instability. As of this writing, the above value of the NETD is the lowest value offered for this type of receiver, which indicates the possibility to use such receivers in real-time imaging systems. The technique offered in the paper for achieving the limiting value of the NETD offers an alternative to the phase-locking scheme.
Представены результаты измерения флуктуационной чувствительности (NETD – noise equivalent temperature difference) болометрического смесителя на эффекте разогрева электронного газа в тонких сверхпроводящих пленках. Получено предельное значение NETD, равное 0,5 К, при шумовой температуре приемника 3800 К, ширине полосы преобразования 500 МГц, постоянной времени 1 с и частоте гетеродина 300 ГГц. Разработана методика достижения предельной флуктуационной чувствительности, позволяющая избежать влияния нестабильности коэффициента преобразования смесителя.