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Annunziata, Anthony J.; Quaranta, Orlando; Santavicca, Daniel F.; Casaburi, Alessandro; Frunzio, Luigi; Ejrnaes, Mikkel; Rooks, Michael J.; Cristiano, Roberto; Pagano, Sergio; Frydman, Aviad; Prober, Daniel E. Reset dynamics and latching in niobium superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 108 7 details   openurl
Baselmans, J. J. A.; Baryshev, A.; Reker, S. F.; Hajenius, M.; Gao, J. R.; Klapwijk, T. M.; Voronov, B.; Gol’tsman, G. Influence of the direct response on the heterodyne sensitivity of hot electron bolometer mixers 2006 J. Appl. Phys. 100 084510 (1 to 7) details   doi
Burke, P. J.; Schoelkopf, R. J.; Prober, D. E.; Skalare, A.; Karasik, B. S.; Gaidis, M. C.; McGrath, W. R.; Bumble, B.; LeDuc, H. G. Mixing and noise in diffusion and phonon cooled superconducting hot-electron bolometers 1999 J. Appl. Phys. 85 1644-1653 details   doi
Cherednichenko, S.; Drakinskiy, V.; Baubert, J.; Krieg, J.-M.; Voronov, B.; Gol'tsman, G.; Desmaris, V. Gain bandwidth of NbN hot-electron bolometer terahertz mixers on 1.5 μm Si3N4 / SiO2 membranes 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 124508 (1 to 6) details   doi
Danerud, M.; Winkler, D.; Lindgren, M.; Zorin, M.; Trifonov, V.; Karasik, B. S.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Gershenzon, E. M. Nonequilibrium and bolometric photoresponse in patterned YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films 1994 J. Appl. Phys. 76 1902-1909 details   doi
de Lange, G.; Kuipers, J. J.; Klapwijk, T. M.; Panhuyzen, R. A.; van de Stadt, H.; de Graauw, M. W. M. Superconducting resonator circuits at frequencies above the gap frequency 1995 J. Appl. Phys. 77 1795-1804 details   openurl
Driessen, E. F. C.; Braakman, F. R.; Reiger, E. M.; Dorenbos, S. N.; Zwiller, V.; de Dood, M. J. A. Impedance model for the polarization-dependent optical absorption of superconducting single-photon detectors 2009 Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 47 10701 details   doi
Gayduchenko, I.; Kardakova, A.; Fedorov, G.; Voronov, B.; Finkel, M.; Jiménez, D.; Morozov, S.; Presniakov, M.; Goltsman, G. Response of asymmetric carbon nanotube network devices to sub-terahertz and terahertz radiation 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 118 194303 details   doi
Gousev, Yu. P.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Semenov, A. D.; Gershenzon, E. M.; Nebosis, R. S.; Heusinger, M. A.; Renk, K. F. Broadband ultrafast superconducting NbN detector for electromagnetic radiation 1994 J. Appl. Phys. 75 3695-3697 details   doi
Hajenius, M.; Baselmans, J. J. A.; Baryshev, A.; Gao, J. R.; Klapwijk, T. M.; Kooi, J. W.; Jellema, W.; Yang, Z. Q. Full characterization and analysis of a terahertz heterodyne receiver based on a NbN hot electron bolometer 2006 J. Appl. Phys. 100 074507 details   doi
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