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Akalin, Tahsin Terahertz sources: Powerful photomixers 2012 Nature Photonics 6 81
Arcizet, O.; Jacques, V.; Siria, A.; Poncharal, P.; Vincent, P.; Seidelin, S. A single nitrogen-vacancy defect coupled to a nanomechanical oscillator 2011 Nature Physics 7 879-883
Barreiro, Julio T. Quantum physics: Environmental effects controlled 2011 Nature Physics 7 927–928
Bason, Mark G.; Viteau, Matthieu; Malossi, Nicola; Huillery, Paul; Arimondo, Ennio; Ciampini, Donatella; Fazio, Rosario; Giovannetti, Vittorio; Mannella, Riccardo; Morsch, Oliver High-fidelity quantum driving 2012 Nature Physics 8 147-152
Baumert, Thomas Quantum technology: Wave packets get a kick 2011 Nature Physics 7 373-374
Berlín, Guido; Brassard, Gilles; Bussières, Félix; Godbout, Nicolas; Slater, Joshua A.; Tittel, Wolfgang Experimental loss-tolerant quantum coin flipping 2011 Nature Communications 2 7
Bialczak, R. C.; Ansmann, M.; Hofheinz, M.; Lucero, E.; Neeley, M.; O'Connell, A. D.; Sank, D.; Wang, H.; Wenner, J.; Steffen, M.; Cleland, A. N.; Martinis, J. M. Quantum process tomography of a universal entangling gate implemented with Josephson phase qubits 2010 Nature Physics 6 409-413
Biercuk, Michael J. A quantum spectrum analyser 2011 Nature Physics 7 525–526
Billangeon, P.-M.; Nakamura, Y. Superconducting devices: Quantum cups and balls 2011 Nature Physics 7 594-595
Bonifas, Andrew P.; McCreery, Richard L. ‘Soft’ Au, Pt and Cu contacts for molecular junctions through surface-diffusion-mediated deposition 2010 Nature Nanotechnology 5 612–617
Bozyigit, D.; Lang, C.; Steffen, L.; Fink, J. M.; Eichler, C.; Baur, M.; Bianchetti, R.; Leek, P. J.; Filipp, S.; da Silva, M. P.; Blais, A.; Wallraff, A. Antibunching of microwave-frequency photons observed in correlation measurements using linear detectors 2011 Nature Physics 7 154-158
Brida, G.; Genovese, M.; Ruo Berchera, I. Experimental realization of sub-shot-noise quantum imaging 2010 Nature Photonics 4 227-230
Buchanan, Mark Nothing's impossible 2011 Nature Physics 7 5
Buchanan, Mark Body of evidence 2010 Nature Physics 6
Bylander, Jonas; Gustavsson, Simon; Yan, Fei; Yoshihara, Fumiki; Harrabi, Khalil; Fitch, George; Cory, David G.; Nakamura, Yasunobu; Tsai, Jaw-Shen; Oliver, William D. Noise spectroscopy through dynamical decoupling with a superconducting flux qubit 2011 Nature Physics 7 565-570
Capmany, José; Gasulla, Ivana; Sales, Salvador Microwave photonics: Harnessing slow light 2011 Nature Photonics 5 731-733
Clerk, Aashish Quantum phononics: To see a SAW 2012 Nature Physics 8 256-257
Collins, M. J.; Xiong, C.; Rey, I. H.; Vo, T. D.; He, J.; Shahnia, S.; Reardon, C.; Krauss, T. F.; Steel, M. J.; Clark, M.J.; & Eggleton, B.J. Integrated spatial multiplexing of heralded single-photon sources 2013 Nature Communications
Crespi, Andrea; Ramponi, Roberta; Osellame, Roberto; Sansoni, Linda; Bongioanni, Irene; Sciarrino, Fabio; Vallone, Giuseppe; Mataloni, Paolo Integrated photonic quantum gates for polarization qubits 2011 Nature Communications 2 6
Dada, Adetunmise C.; Leach, Jonathan; Buller, Gerald S.; Padgett, Miles J.; Andersson, Erika Experimental high-dimensional two-photon entanglement and violations of generalized Bell inequalities 2011 Nature Physics 7 677-680
Fazal, Furqan M.; Block, Steven M. Optical tweezers study life under tension 2011 Nature Photonics 5 318-321
Feofanov, A. K.; Oboznov, V. A.; Bol'Ginov, V. V.; Lisenfeld, J.; Poletto, S.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Rossolenko, A. N.; Khabipov, M.; Balashov, D.; Zorin, A. B.; Dmitriev, P. N.; Koshelets, V. P.; Ustinov, A. V. Implementation of superconductor/ferromagnet/ superconductor 2010 Nature Physics 6 593-597
Freer, Erik M.; Grachev, Oleg; Duan, Xiangfeng; Martin, Samuel; Stumbo, David P. High-yield self-limiting single-nanowire assembly with dielectrophoresis 2010 Nature Nanotechnology 5 525–530
Fuchs, G. D.; Burkard, G.; Klimov, P. V.; Awschalom, D. D. A quantum memory intrinsic to single nitrogen–vacancy centres in diamond 2011 Nature Physics 7 789-793
Gabay, Marc; Triscone, Jean-Marc Superconductors: Terahertz superconducting switch 2011 Nature Photonics 5 447-449
Gao, Jie; McMillan, James F.; Wong, Chee Wei Nanophotonics: Remote on-chip coupling 2012 Nature Photonics 6 7-8
Ghali, Mohsen; Ohtani1, Keita; Ohno, Yuzo; Ohno, Hideo Generation and control of polarization-entangled photons from GaAs island quantum dots by an electric field 2012 Nature Communications 3 6
Goulielmakis, Eleftherios Attosecond photonics: Extreme ultraviolet catastrophes 2012 Nature Photonics 6 142-143
Grinolds, M. S.; Maletinsky, P.; Hong, S.; Lukin, M. D.; Walsworth, R. L.; Yacoby, A. Quantum control of proximal spins using nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging 2011 Nature Physics 7 687-692
Grotz, Bernhard; Hauf, Moritz V.; Dankerl, Markus; Naydenov, Boris; Pezzagna, Sébastien; Meijer, Jan; Jelezko, Fedor; Wrachtrup, Jörg; Stutzmann, Martin; Reinhard, Friedemann; Garrido, Jose A. Charge state manipulation of qubits in diamond 2012 Nature Communications 3 6
Gustafsson, Martin V.; Santos, Paulo V.; Johansson, Göran; Delsing, Per Local probing of propagating acoustic waves in a gigahertz echo chamber 2012 Nature Physics 8 338-343
Hadfield, Robert H. Single-photon detectors for optical quantum information applications 2009 Nature Photonics 3 696-705
Hannay, Timo A new kind of science? 2011 Nature Physics 7 742
Hanneke, D.; Home, J. P.; Jost, J. D.; Amini, J. M.; Leibfried, D.; Wineland, D. J. Realization of a programmable two-qubit quantum processor 2010 Nature Physics 6 13-16
Hase, Muneaki; Katsuragawa, Masayuki; Constantinescu, Anca Monia; Petek, Hrvoje Frequency comb generation at terahertz frequencies by coherent phonon excitation in silicon 2012 Nature Photonics 6 243–247
Haviland, David Superconducting circuits: Quantum phase slips 2010 Nature Physics 6 565–566
He, Rongrui; Sazio, Pier J. A.; Peacock, Anna C.; Healy, Noel; Sparks, Justin R.; Krishnamurthi, Mahesh; Gopalan, Venkatraman; Badding, John V. Integration of gigahertz-bandwidth semiconductor devices inside microstructured optical fibres 2012 Nature Photonics 6 174-179
Hollenberg, Lloyd C. L. Quantum control: Through the quantum chicane 2012 Nature Physics 8 113-114
Home, Jonathan Quantum entanglement: Watching correlations disappear 2010 Nature Physics 6 938-939
Hosseini, M.; Campbell, G.; Sparkes, B. M.; Lam, P. K.; Buchler, B. C. Unconditional room-temperature quantum memory 2011 Nature Physics 7 794-798
Ikuta, Rikizo; Kusaka, Yoshiaki; Kitano, suyoshi; Kato, Hiroshi; Yamamoto, Takashi; Koashi, Masato; Imoto, Nobuyuki Wide-band quantum interface for visible-totelecommunication wavelength conversion 2011 Nature Communications 2 5
Johnson, B. R.; Reed, M. D.; Houck, A. A.; Schuster, D. I.; Bishop, Lev S.; Ginossar, E.; Gambetta, J. M.; Dicarlo, L.; Frunzio, L.; Girvin, S. M.; Schoelkopf, R. J. Quantum non-demolition detection of single microwave photons in a circuit 2010 Nature Physics 6 663-667
Kawano, Yukio; Ishibashi, Koji An on-chip near-field terahertz probe and detector 2008 Nature Photonics 2 618-621
Kim, Yong-Su; Lee, Jong-Chan; Kwon, Osung; Kim, Yoon-Ho Protecting entanglement from decoherence using weak measurement and quantum measurement reversal 2012 Nature Physics 8 117-120
Knee, George C.; Simmons, Stephanie; Gauger, Erik M.; Morton, John J. L.; Riemann, Helge; Abrosimov, Nikolai V.; Becker, Peter; Pohl, Hans-Joachim; Itoh, Kohei M.; Thewalt, Mike L. W.; Briggs, G. Andrew D.; Benjamin, Simon C. Violation of a Leggett–Garg inequality with ideal non-invasive measurements 2012 Nature Communications 3 6
Kok, Pieter Quantum optics: Entangled photons report for duty 2010 Nature Photonics 4 504-505
Kono, Junichiro Coherent terahertz control 2011 Nature Photonics 5 5-6
Konstantatos, Gerasimos; Sargent, Edward H. Nanostructured materials for photon detection 2010 Nature Nanotechnology 5 391–400
Korotkov, Alexander N. Entanglement preservation: The Sleeping Beauty approach 2012 Nature Physics 8 107-108
Kosako, Terukazu; Kadoya, Yutaka; Hofmann, Holger F. Directional control of light by a nano-optical Yagi–Uda antenna 2010 Nature Photonics 4 312 - 315
Kumar, Sushil; Chan, Chun Wang I.; Hu, Qing; Reno, John L. A 1.8-THz quantum cascade laser operating significantly above the temperature of hw/k 2011 Nature Physics 7 166-171
Kumar, Sushil; Wang I. Chan, Chun; Hu, Qing; Reno, John L. A 1.8-THz quantum cascade laser operating significantly above the temperature of ω/kB 2011 Nature Physics 7
Li, Mo; Pernice, W. H. P.; Xiong, C.; Baehr-Jones, T.; Hochberg, M.; Tang, H. X. Harnessing optical forces in integrated photonic circuits 2008 Nature 456 480-484
Lu, Chao-Yang; Zhou, Xiao-Qi; Gühne, Otfried; Gao, Wei-Bo; Zhang, Jin; Yuan, Zhen-Sheng; Goebel, Alexander; Yang, Tao; Pan, Jian-Wei Experimental entanglement of six photons in graph states 2007 Nature Physics 3 91-95
Lupascu, Adrian Nonlinear dynamics: Quantum pendula locked in 2011 Nature Physics 7 100-101
Lydersen, Lars; Wiechers, Carlos; Wittmann, Christoffer; Elser, Dominique; Skaar, Johannes; Makarov, Vadim Hacking commercial quantum cryptography systems by tailored bright illumination 2010 Nature Photonics 4 686 - 689
Ma, Xiao-Song; Dakic, Borivoje; Naylor, William; Zeilinger, Anton; Walther, Philip Quantum simulation of the wavefunction to probe frustrated Heisenberg spin systems 2011 Nature Physics 7 399-405
Mariantoni, Matteo; Wang, H.; Bialczak, Radoslaw C.; Lenander, M.; Lucero, Erik; Neeley, M.; O'Connell, A. D.; Sank, D.; Weides, M.; Wenner, J.; Yamamoto, T.; Yin, Y.; Zhao, J.; Martinis, John M.; Cleland, A. N. Photon shell game in three-resonator circuit quantum electrodynamics 2011 Nature Physics 7 287-293
Mineev, Vladimir P. Superfluid helium: Order in disorder 2012 Nature Physics 8 253–254
Nevou, L.; Liverini, V.; Friedli, P.; Castellano, F.; Bismuto, A.; Sigg, H.; Gramm, F.; Müller, E.; Faist, J. Current quantization in an optically driven electron pump based on self-assembled quantum dots 2011 Nature Physics 7 423–427
Novotny, Lukas; van Hulst, Niek Antennas for light 2011 Nature Photonics 5 83-90
Nozaki, Kengo; Shinya, Akihiko; Matsuo, Shinji; Suzaki, Yasumasa; Segawa, Toru; Sato, Tomonari; Kawaguchi, Yoshihiro; Takahashi, Ryo; Notomi, Masaya Ultralow-power all-optical RAM based on nanocavities 2012 Nature Photonics 6 248-252
Paiella, Roberto Terahertz quantum cascade lasers: Going ultrafast 2011 Nature Photonics 5 253–255
Perseguers, S.; Lewenstein, M.; Acín, A.; Cirac, J. I. Quantum random networks 2010 Nature Physics 6 539-543
Peruzzo, Alberto; Laing, Anthony; Politi, Alberto; Rudolph, Terry; O'Brien, Jeremy L. Multimode quantum interference of photons in multiport integrated devices 2011 Nature Communications 2 6
Pile, David How many bits can a photon carry 2012 Nature Photonics 6 14-15
Pirandola, Stefano; Mancini, Stefano; Lloyd, Seth; Braunstein, Samuel L. Continuous-variable quantum cryptography using two-way quantum communication 2008 Nature Physics 4 726-730
Prevedel, Robert; Hamel, Deny R.; Colbeck, Roger; Fisher, Kent; Resch, Kevin J. Experimental investigation of the uncertainty principle in the presence of quantum memory and its application to witnessing entanglement 2011 Nature Physics 7 757-761
Pris, Andrew D.; Utturkar, Yogen; Surman, Cheryl; Morris, William G.; Vert, Alexey; Zalyubovskiy, Sergiy; Deng, Tao; Ghiradella, Helen T.; Potyrailo, Radislav A. Towards high-speed imaging of infrared photons with bio-inspired nanoarchitectures 2012 Nature Photonics 6 195-200
Raussendorf, Robert Quantum computing: Shaking up ground states 2010 Nature Physics 6 840-841
Saffman, Mark Quantum computing: A quantum telecom link 2010 Nature Physics 6 838-839
Sahu, Mitrabhanu; Bae, Myung-Ho; Rogachev, Andrey; Pekker, David; Wei, Tzu-Chieh; Shah, Nayana; Goldbart, Paul M.; Bezryadin, Alexey Individual topological tunnelling events of a quantum field probed through their macroscopic consequences 2009 Nature Phys. 5 503-508
Santori, Charles; Beausoleil, Raymond G. Quantum memory: Phonons in diamond crystals 2012 Nature Photonics 6 10-12
Schmidt, Markus A. Integration: Fibres embrace optoelectronics 2012 Nature Photonics 6 143-145
Schwarz, Brent Lidar: Mapping the world in 3D 2010 Nature Photonics 4 429-430
Shor, Peter W. Quantum information theory: The bits don't add up 2009 Nature Physics 5 247 - 248
Smith, Devin H.; Gillett, Geoff; de Almeida, Marcelo P.; Branciard, Cyril; Fedrizzi, Alessandro; Weinhold, Till J.; Lita, Adriana; Calkins, Brice; Gerrits, Thomas; Wiseman, Howard M.; Nam, Sae Woo; White, Andrew G. Conclusive quantum steering with superconducting transition-edge sensors 2012 Nature Communications 3 6
Takesue, Hiroki; Nam, Sae Woo; Zhang, Qiang; Hadfield, Robert H.; Honjo, Toshimori; Tamaki, Kiyoshi; Yamamoto, Yoshihisa Quantum key distribution over a 40-dB channel loss using superconducting single-photon detectors 2007 Nature Photonics 1 343-348
Tang, Liang; Kocabas, Sukru Ekin; Latif, Salman; Okyay, Ali K.; Ly-Gagnon, Dany-Sebastien; Saraswat, Krishna C.; Miller, David A. B. Nanometre-scale germanium photodetector enhanced by a near-infrared dipole antenna 2008 Nature Photonics 2 226-229
Tassin, Philippe; Koschny, Thomas; Kafesaki, Maria; Soukoulis, Costas M. A comparison of graphene, superconductors and metals as conductors for metamaterials and plasmonics 2012 Nature Photonics 6 259-264
Taylor, F.W. Atmospheric physics: Natural lasers on Venus and Mars 1983 Nature 306 640-640
Toyabe, Shoichi; Sagawa, Takahiro; Ueda, Masahito; Muneyuki, Eiro; Sano, Masaki Experimental demonstration of information-to-energy conversion and validation of the generalized Jarzynski equality 2010 Nature Physics 6 988-992
Trabesinger, Andreas Quantum mechanics: Shaken foundations 2009 Nature Physics 5 863
Ulhaq, A.; Weiler, S.; Ulrich, S. M.; Roßbach, R.; Jetter, M.; Michler, P. Cascaded single-photon emission from the Mollow triplet sidebands of a quantum dot 2012 Nature Photonics 6 238-242
Ursin, R.; Tiefenbacher, F.; Schmitt-Manderbach, T.; Weier, H.; Scheidl, T.; Lindenthal, M.; Blauensteiner, B.; Jennewein, T.; Perdigues, J.; Trojek, P.; Ömer, B.; Fürst, M.; Meyenburg, M.; Rarity, J.; Sodnik, Z.; Barbieri, C.; Weinfurter, H.; Zeilinger, A. Entanglement-based quantum communication over 144km 2007 Nature Physics 3 481-486
Usmani, Imam; Clausen, Christoph; Bussières, Félix; Sangouard, Nicolas; Afzelius, Mikael; Gisin, Nicolas Heralded quantum entanglement between two crystals 2012 Nature Photonics 6 234-237
Vishveshwara, Smitha Topological qubits: A bit of both 2011 Nature Physics 7 450–451
Wei, Jian; Olaya, David; Karasik, Boris S.; Pereverzev, Sergey V.; Sergeev, Andrei V.; Gershenson, Michael E. Ultrasensitive hot-electron nanobolometers for terahertz astrophysics 2008 Nature Nanotechnology 3 496-500
Williams, Benjamin S. Terahertz quantum-cascade lasers 2007 Nature Photonics 1 517-525
Wu, Ming C. Optoelectronic tweezers 2011 Nature Photonics 5 322-324
Xu, XinAn; Wong, Chee Wei Quantum optics: Correlations on a chip 2012 Nature Photonics 6 75-76
Yao, Xing-Can; Wang, Tian-Xiong; Xu, Ping; Lu, He; Pan, Ge-Sheng; Bao, Xiao-Hui; Peng, Cheng-Zhi; Lu, Chao-Yang; Chen, Yu-Ao; Pan, Jian-Wei Observation of eight-photon entanglement 2012 Nature Photonics 6 225-228
Zakka-Bajjani, Eva; Nguyen, François; Lee, Minhyea; Vale, Leila R.; Simmonds, Raymond W.; Aumentado, José Quantum superposition of a single microwave photon in two different 'colour' states 2011 Nature Physics 7 599-603
Zhang, Qiang; Goebel, Alexander; Wagenknecht, Claudia; Chen, Yu-Ao; Zhao, Bo; Yang, Tao; Mair, Alois; Schmiedmayer, Jörg; Pan, Jian-Wei Experimental quantum teleportation of a two-qubit composite system 2006 Nature Physics 2 678-682
Zhu, J.; Christensen, J.; Jung, J.; Martin-Moreno, L.; Yin, X.; Fok, L.; Zhang, X.; Garcia-Vidal, F. J. A holey-structured metamaterial for acoustic deep-subwavelength imaging 2011 Nature Physics 7 52-55
Zurek, Wojciech Hubert Quantum Darwinism 2009 Nature Physics 5 181-188
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