Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Akalin, Tahsin |
Terahertz sources: Powerful photomixers |
2012 |
Nature Photonics |
6 |
81 |
Arcizet, O.; Jacques, V.; Siria, A.; Poncharal, P.; Vincent, P.; Seidelin, S. |
A single nitrogen-vacancy defect coupled to a nanomechanical oscillator |
2011 |
Nature Physics |
7 |
879-883 |
Barreiro, Julio T. |
Quantum physics: Environmental effects controlled |
2011 |
Nature Physics |
7 |
927–928 |
Bason, Mark G.; Viteau, Matthieu; Malossi, Nicola; Huillery, Paul; Arimondo, Ennio; Ciampini, Donatella; Fazio, Rosario; Giovannetti, Vittorio; Mannella, Riccardo; Morsch, Oliver |
High-fidelity quantum driving |
2012 |
Nature Physics |
8 |
147-152 |
Baumert, Thomas |
Quantum technology: Wave packets get a kick |
2011 |
Nature Physics |
7 |
373-374 |
Berlín, Guido; Brassard, Gilles; Bussières, Félix; Godbout, Nicolas; Slater, Joshua A.; Tittel, Wolfgang |
Experimental loss-tolerant quantum coin flipping |
2011 |
Nature Communications |
2 |
7 |
Bialczak, R. C.; Ansmann, M.; Hofheinz, M.; Lucero, E.; Neeley, M.; O'Connell, A. D.; Sank, D.; Wang, H.; Wenner, J.; Steffen, M.; Cleland, A. N.; Martinis, J. M. |
Quantum process tomography of a universal entangling gate implemented with Josephson phase qubits |
2010 |
Nature Physics |
6 |
409-413 |
Biercuk, Michael J. |
A quantum spectrum analyser |
2011 |
Nature Physics |
7 |
525–526 |
Billangeon, P.-M.; Nakamura, Y. |
Superconducting devices: Quantum cups and balls |
2011 |
Nature Physics |
7 |
594-595 |
Bonifas, Andrew P.; McCreery, Richard L. |
‘Soft’ Au, Pt and Cu contacts for molecular junctions through surface-diffusion-mediated deposition |
2010 |
Nature Nanotechnology |
5 |
612–617 |