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Antipov, S.; Trifonov, A.; Krause, S.; Meledin, D.; Kaurova, N.; Rudzinski, M.; Desmaris, V.; Belitsky, V.; Goltsman, G. Improved bandwidth of a 2 THz hot-electron bolometer heterodyne mixer fabricated on sapphire with a GaN buffer layer 2019 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 32 075003 details   doi
Danerud, M.; Winkler, D.; Lindgren, M.; Zorin, M.; Trifonov, V.; Karasik, B.; Gershenzon, E. M.; Gol'tsman, G. N. A fast infrared detector based on patterned YBCO thin film 1994 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 7 321-323 details   doi
Galin, M. A.; Klushin, A. M.; Kurin, V. V.; Seliverstov, S. V.; Finkel, M. I.; Goltsman, G. N.; Müller, F.; Scheller, T.; Semenov, A. D. Towards local oscillators based on arrays of niobium Josephson junctions 2015 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 055002 (1 to 7) details   doi
Gol'tsman, G. N.; Semenov, A. D.; Gousev, Y. P.; Zorin, M. A.; Gogidze, I. G.; Gershenzon, E. M.; Lang, P. T.; Knott, W. J.; Renk, K. F. Sensitive picosecond NbN detector for radiation from millimetre wavelengths to visible light 1991 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 4 453-456 details   doi
Gundlach, K. H.; Schicke, M. SIS and bolometer mixers for terahertz frequencies 2000 Supercond. Sci. Technol 13 181-187 details   openurl
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