@InProceedings{Polyakova_etal2019, author="Polyakova, M. I. and Florya, I. N. and Semenov, A. V. and Korneev, A. A. and Goltsman, G. N.", title="Extracting hot-spot correlation length from SNSPD tomography data", booktitle="J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.", year="2019", volume="1410", pages="012166 (1 to 4)", optkeywords="SSPD; SNSPD; quantum detector tomography; QDT", abstract="We present data of quantum detector tomography for the samples specifically optimized for this problem. Using this method, we take results of hot-spot correlation length of 17 {\textpm} 2 nm.", optnote="exported from refbase (https://db.rplab.ru/refbase/show.php?record=1273), last updated on Mon, 24 May 2021 23:27:50 -0500", issn="1742-6588", doi="10.1088/1742-6596/1410/1/012166", opturl="https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1410/1/012166", opturl="https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1410/1/012166" }