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Arutyunov, K. Y.; Ramos-Alvarez, A.; Semenov, A. V.; Korneeva, Y. P.; An, P. P.; Korneev, A. A.; Murphy, A.; Bezryadin, A.; Gol'tsman, G. N. Superconductivity in highly disordered NbN nanowires 2016 Nanotechnol. 27 47lt02 (1 to 8)
Arutyunov, K. Y.; Ramos-Álvarez, A.; Semenov, A. V.; Korneeva, Y. P.; An, P. P.; Korneev, A. A.; Murphy, A.; Bezryadin, A.; Gol’tsman, G. N. Quasi-1-dimensional superconductivity in highly disordered NbN nanowires 2016 arXiv
Beebe, M. R.; Beringer, D. B.; Burton, M. C.; Yang, K.; Lukaszew, R. A. Stoichiometry and thickness dependence of superconducting properties of niobium nitride thin films 2016 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 34 021510 (1 to 4)
Fedorov, G. E.; Stepanova, T. S.; Gazaliev, A. S.; Gaiduchenko, I. A.; Kaurova, N. S.; Voronov, B. M.; Goltzman, G. N. Asymmetric devices based on carbon nanotubes for terahertz-range radiation detection 2016 Semicond. 50 1600-1603
Finkel, M.; Thierschmann, H. R.; Galatro, L.; Katan, A. J.; Thoen, D. J.; de Visser, P. J.; Spirito, M.; Klapwijk, T. M. Branchline and directional THz coupler based on PECVD SiNx-technology 2016 41st IRMMW-THz
Gayduchenko, I. A.; Fedorov, G. E.; Ibragimov, R. A.; Stepanova, T. S.; Gazaliev, A. S.; Vysochanskiy, N. A.; Bobrov, Y. A.; Malovichko, A. M.; Sosnin, I. M.; Bobrinetskiy, I. I. Synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotube networks using monodisperse metallic nanocatalysts encapsulated in reverse micelles 2016 Chem. Ind. Belgrade 70 1-8
Gayduchenko, I. A.; Fedorov, G. E.; Stepanova, T. S.; Titova, N.; Voronov, B. M.; But, D.; Coquillat, D.; Diakonova, N.; Knap, W.; Goltsman, G. N. Asymmetric devices based on carbon nanotubes as detectors of sub-THz radiation 2016 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 741 012143 (1 to 6)
Goltsman, G. N.; Shcherbatenko, M. L.; Lobanov, Y. V.; Kovalyuk, V. V.; Kahl, O.; Ferrari, S.; Korneev, A.; Pernice, W. H. P. Superconducting nanowire single photon detector for coherent detection of weak optical signals 2016 LPHYS'16 1-2
Iomdina, E. N.; Goltsman, G. N.; Seliverstov, S. V.; Sianosyan, A. A.; Teplyakova, K. O.; Rusova, A. A. Study of transmittance and reflectance spectra of the cornea and the sclera in the THz frequency range 2016 J. Biomed. Opt. 21 97002 (1 to 5)
Iomdina, E. N.; Seliverstov, S.; Sianosyan, A.; Teplyakova, K.; Rusova, A.; Goltsman, G. The prospects of using the radiation for the assessment of corneal and scleral hydration 2016 Acta Ophthalmol. 94
Kahl, O.; Ferrari, S.; Kovalyuk, V.; Vetter, A.; Lewes-Malandrakis, G.; Nebel, C.; Korneev, A.; Goltsman, G.; Pernice, W. Spectrally resolved single-photon imaging with hybrid superconducting – nanophotonic circuits 2016 arXiv 1-20
Kardakova, A.; Shishkin, A.; Semenov, A.; Goltsman, G. N.; Ryabchun, S.; Klapwijk, T. M.; Bousquet, J.; Eon, D.; Sacépé, B.; Klein, T.; Bustarret, E. Relaxation of the resistive superconducting state in boron-doped diamond films 2016 Phys. Rev. B 93 064506
Khasminskaya, S.; Pyatkov, F.; Słowik, K.; Ferrari, S.; Kahl, O.; Kovalyuk, V.; Rath, P.; Vetter, A.; Hennrich, F.; Kappes, M. M.; Gol'tsman, G.; Korneev, A.; Rockstuhl, C.; Krupke, R.; Pernice, W. H. P. Fully integrated quantum photonic circuit with an electrically driven light source 2016 Nat. Photon. 10 727-732
Korneeva, Y.; Sidorova, M.; Semenov, A.; Krasnosvobodtsev, S.; Mitsen, K.; Korneev, A.; Chulkova, G.; Goltsman, G. Comparison of hot-spot formation in NbC and NbN single-photon detectors 2016 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 26 1-4
Krause, S.; Mityashkin, V.; Antipov, S.; Gol'tsman, G.; Meledin, D.; Desmaris, V.; Belitsky, V.; Rudzinski, M. Study of IF bandwidth of NbN hot electron bolometers on GaN buffer layer using a direct measurement method 2016 Proc. 27th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 30-32
Peltonen, J. T.; Peng, Z. H.; Korneeva, Yu. P.; Voronov, B. M.; Korneev, A. A.; Semenov, A. V.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Tsai, J. S; Astafiev, Oleg Coherent dynamics and decoherence in a superconducting weak link 2016 Physic. Rev. B, 94 180508
Pyatkov, Felix; Khasminskaya, Svetlana; Fütterling, Valentin; Fechner, Randy; Słowik, Karolina; Ferrari, Simone; Kahl1, Oliver; Kovalyuk, Vadim; Rath, Patrik; Vetter, Andreas; Flavel, Benjamin S.; Hennrich, Frank; Kappes, Manfred M.; Gol’tsman, Gregory N.; Korneev, Alexander; Rockstuhl, Carsten; Krupke, Ralph; Pernice, Wolfram H. P. Carbon nanotubes as exceptional electrically driven on-chip light sources 2016 2Physics
Rath, P.; Vetter, A.; Kovalyuk, V.; Ferrari, S.; Kahl, O.; Nebel, C.; Goltsman, G. N.; Korneev, A.; Pernice, W. H. P. Travelling-wave single-photon detectors integrated with diamond photonic circuits: operation at visible and telecom wavelengths with a timing jitter down to 23 ps 2016 Integrated Optics: Devices, Mat. Technol. XX 9750 135-142
Ryzhii, V.; Otsuji, T.; Ryzhii, M.; Leiman, V. G.; Fedorov, G.; Goltzman, G. N.; Gayduchenko, I. A.; Titova, N.; Coquillat, D.; But, D.; Knap, W.; Mitin, V.; Shur, M. S. Two-dimensional plasmons in lateral carbon nanotube network structures and their effect on the terahertz radiation detection 2016 J. Appl. Phys. 120 044501 (1 to 13)
Schroeder, E.; Mauskopf, P.; Pilyavsky, G.; Sinclair, A.; Smith, N.; Bryan, S.; Mani, H.; Morozov, D.; Berggren, K.; Zhu, D.; Smirnov, K.; Vakhtomin, Y. On the measurement of intensity correlations from laboratory and astronomical sources with SPADs and SNSPDs 2016 Proc. SPIE 9907 99070P (1 to 13)
Seleznev, V. A.; Divochiy, A. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Morozov, P. V.; Zolotov, P. I.; Vasil'ev, D. D.; Moiseev, K. M.; Malevannaya, E. I.; Smirnov, K. V. Superconducting detector of IR single-photons based on thin WSi films 2016 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 737 012032
Seliverstov, S. V.; Rusova, A. A.; Kaurova, N. S.; Voronov, B. M.; Goltsman, G. N. Attojoule energy resolution of direct detector based on hot electron bolometer 2016 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 741 012165 (1 to 5)
Shcherbatenko, M.; Lobanov, Y.; Kovalyuk, V.; Korneev, A.; Gol'tsman, G. N. Photon counting detector as a mixer with picowatt local oscillator power requirement 2016 Proc. 27th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 110
Shcherbatenko, M.; Lobanov, Y.; Semenov, A.; Kovalyuk, V.; Korneev, A.; Ozhegov, R.; Kazakov, A.; Voronov, B.M.; Goltsman, G.N. Potential of a superconducting photon counter for heterodyne detection at the telecommunication wavelength 2016 Opt. Express 24 30474-30484
Shcherbatenko, M.; Tretyakov, I.; Lobanov, Yu.; Maslennikov, S. N.; Kaurova, N.; Finkel, M.; Voronov, B.; Goltsman, G.; Klapwijk, T. M. Nonequilibrium interpretation of DC properties of NbN superconducting hot electron bolometers 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 132602
Shcheslavskiy, V.; Morozov, P.; Divochiy, A.; Vakhtomin, Y.; Smirnov, K.; Becker, W. Erratum: “Ultrafast time measurements by time-correlated single photon counting coupled with superconducting single photon detector” [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 053117 (2016)] 2016 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 069901
Shcheslavskiy, V.; Morozov, P.; Divochiy, A.; Vakhtomin, Yu.; Smirnov, K.; Becker, W. Ultrafast time measurements by time-correlated single photon counting coupled with superconducting single photon detector 2016 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 053117 (1 to 5)
Smirnov, K. V.; Divochiy, A. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Sidorova, M. V.; Karpova, U. V.; Morozov, P. V.; Seleznev, V. A.; Zotova, A. N.; Vodolazov, D. Y. Rise time of voltage pulses in NbN superconducting single photon detectors 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 052601
Tret'yakov, I. V.; Kaurova, N. S.; Voronov, B. M.; Anfert'ev, V. A.; Revin, L. S.; Vaks, V. L.; Gol'tsman, G. N. The influence of the diffusion cooling on the noise band of the superconductor NbN hot-electron bolometer operating in the terahertz range 2016 Tech. Phys. Lett. 42 563-566
Trifonov, A.; Tong, C.-Y. E.; Lobanov, Y.; Kaurova, N.; Blundell, R.; Goltsman, G. Gap frequency and photon absorption in a hot electron bolometer 2016 Proc. 27th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 121
Vetter, A.; Ferrari, S.; Rath, P.; Alaee, R.; Kahl, O.; Kovalyuk, V.; Diewald, S.; Goltsman, G. N.; Korneev, A.; Rockstuhl, C.; Pernice, W. H. P. Cavity-enhanced and ultrafast superconducting single-photon detectors 2016 Nano Lett. 16 7085-7092
Voss, Chris; Raz, Tahl Never split the difference: negotiating as if your life depended on it 2016
Zolotov, P. I.; Vakhtomin, Yu. B.; Divochiy, A. V.; Seleznev, V. A.; Smirnov, K. V. Technology development of resonator-based structures for efficiency increasing of NBN detectors of IR single photons 2016 Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Photonics and Information Optics 115-116
Столяров, А. В. Программирование. Введение в профессию. Том 1. Азы программирования 2016 МАКС Пресс
Столяров, А. В. Программирование. Введение в профессию. Том 2. Низкоуровневое программирование 2016 МАКС Пресс
Тархов, Михаил Александрович Разработка сверхпроводниковых однофотонных детекторов с повышенной спектральной чувствительностью и быстродействием 2016 М. НИЦ “Курчатовский институт” 1-103
Тархов, Михаил Александрович Разработка сверхпроводниковых однофотонных детекторов с повышенной спектральной чувствительностью и быстродействием. Автореферат 2016 М. НИЦ “Курчатовский институт” 1-30
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