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Ferrari, S., Kovalyuk, V., Hartmann, W., Vetter, A., Kahl, O., Lee, C., et al. (2017). Hot-spot relaxation time current dependence in niobium nitride waveguide-integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. Opt. Express, 25(8), 8739–8750.
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Goltsman, G. (2019). Quantum-photonic integrated circuits. In Proc. IWQO (pp. 22–23).
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Khasminskaya, S., Pyatkov, F., Słowik, K., Ferrari, S., Kahl, O., Kovalyuk, V., et al. (2016). Fully integrated quantum photonic circuit with an electrically driven light source. Nat. Photon., 10(11), 727–732.
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Pyatkov, F., Khasminskaya, S., Kovalyuk, V., Hennrich, F., Kappes, M. M., Goltsman, G. N., et al. (2017). Sub-nanosecond light-pulse generation with waveguide-coupled carbon nanotube transducers. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 8, 38–44.
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Rath, P., Vetter, A., Kovalyuk, V., Ferrari, S., Kahl, O., Nebel, C., et al. (2016). Travelling-wave single-photon detectors integrated with diamond photonic circuits: operation at visible and telecom wavelengths with a timing jitter down to 23 ps. In J. - E. Broquin, & G. N. Conti (Eds.), Integrated Optics: Devices, Mat. Technol. XX (Vol. 9750, pp. 135–142). Spie.
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