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Esteban, E., & Serna, H. (2009). Quantum key distribution protocol with private-public key. arXiv, , 3.
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Hadfield, R. H., Habif, J. L., Schlafer, J., Schwall, R. E., & Nam, S. W. (2006). Quantum key distribution at 1550 nm with twin superconducting single-photon detectors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 89(24), 241129.
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Lydersen, L., Wiechers, C., Wittmann, C., Elser, D., Skaar, J., & Makarov, V. (2010). Hacking commercial quantum cryptography systems by tailored bright illumination. Nat. Photon., 4(10), 686–689.
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Lydersen, L., Wiechers, C., Wittmann, C., Elser, D., Skaar, J., & Makarov, V. (2010). Thermal blinding of gated detectors in quantum cryptography. Opt. Express, 18(26), 27938–27954.
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Scheel, S. (2009). Single-photon sources–an introduction. J. Modern Opt., 56(2-3), 141–160.
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