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Loudkov, D., Tong, C. Y. E., Blundell, R., Kaurova, N., Grishina, E., Voronov, B., et al. (2005). An investigation of the performance of the superconducting HEB슠mixer as a function of its RF슠embedding impedance. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 472–475.
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Korneev, A., Minaeva, O., Rubtsova, I., Milostnaya, I., Chulkova, G., Voronov, B., et al. (2005). Superconducting single-photon ultrathin NbN film detector. Quantum Electronics, 35(8), 698–700.
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Gol'tsman, G., Korneev, A., Minaeva, O., Antipov, A., Divochiy, A., Kaurova, N., et al. (2006). Middle-infrared to visible-light ultrafast superconducting single-photon detector. In Proc. ASC. Seattle.
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Schubert, J., Semenov, A., Gol'tsman, G., Hübers, H. - W., Schwaab, G., Voronov, B., et al. (1999). Noise temperature of an NbN hot-electron bolometric mixer at frequencies from 0.7 THz to 5.2 THz. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 12(11), 748–750.
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Kroug, M., Cherednichenko, S., Choumas, M., Merkel, H., Kollberg, E., Hübers, H. - W., et al. (2001). HEB quasi-optical heterodyne receiver for THz frequencies. In Proc. 12th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (pp. 244–252). San Diego, CA, USA.
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Maslennikov, S., Antipov, S., Shishkov, A., Svechnikov, S., Voronov, B., Smirnov, K., et al. (2002). NbN HEB mixer noise temperature measurements with hot/cold load mounted inside the helium cryostat at 300 GHz. In Proc. Int. Student Seminar on Microwave Appl. of Novel Physical Phenomena supported by IEEE. St.-Petersburg: LETI.
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Semenov, A. D., Hübers, H. - W., Richter, H., Birk, M., Krocka, M., Mair, U., et al. (2003). Superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixer for terahertz heterodyne receivers. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 13(2), 168–171.
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Maslennikov, S., Vachtomin, Y., Antipov, S., Smirnov, K., Kaurova, N., Grishina, E., et al. (2004). NbN HEB mixers for frequencies of 2.5 and 3.8 THz. In Proc. Tenth All-Russian sceintific conference of student-physicists and young sceintists (VNKSF-10). Moscow.
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Kaurova, N. S., Finkel, M. I., Maslennikov, S. N., Vahtomin, Y. B., Antipov, S. V., Smirnov, K. V., et al. (2004). Submillimeter mixer based on YBa2Cu3O7-x thin film. In Proc. 1-st conf. Fundamental problems of high temperature superconductivity (291). Moscow-Zvenigorod.
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Tretyakov, I. V., Ryabchun, S. A., Maslennikov, S. N., Finkel, M. I., Kaurova, N. S., Seleznev, V. A., et al. (2008). NbN HEB mixer: fabrication, noise temperature reduction and characterization. In Proc. Basic problems of superconductivity. Moscow-Zvenigorod.
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Ryabchun, S. A., Tretyakov, I. V., Pentin, I. V., Kaurova, N. S., Seleznev, V. A., Voronov, B. M., et al. (2009). Low-noise wide-band hot-electron bolometer mixer based on an NbN film. Radiophys. Quant. Electron., 52(8), 576–582.
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Lobanov, Y., Tong, E., Blundell, R., Hedden, A., Voronov, B., & Gol'tsman, G. (2011). Large-signal frequency response of an HEB mixer: from 300 MHz to terahertz. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 21(3), 628–631.
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Dzardanov, A., Ekstrom, H., Gershenzon, E., Gol'tsman, G., Jacobsson, S., Karasik, B., et al. (1994). Hot-electron superconducting mixers for 20-500 GHz operation. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and Appl. (Vol. 2250, pp. 276–278).
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Chulkova, G., Milostnaya, I., Tarkhov, M., Korneev, A., Minaeva, O., Voronov, B., et al. (2006). Superconducting single-photon nanostructured detectors for advanced optical applications. In Proc. Symposium on Photonics Technologies for 7th Framework Program (Vol. 400).
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Goltsman, G. N., Korneev, A. A., Finkel, M. I., Divochiy, A. V., Florya, I. N., Korneeva, Y. P., et al. (2010). Superconducting hot-electron bolometer as THz mixer, direct detector and IR single-photon counter. In 35th Int. Conf. Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (p. 1).
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Tret'yakov, I. V., Kaurova, N. S., Voronov, B. M., Anfert'ev, V. A., Revin, L. S., Vaks, V. L., et al. (2016). The influence of the diffusion cooling on the noise band of the superconductor NbN hot-electron bolometer operating in the terahertz range. Tech. Phys. Lett., 42(6), 563–566.
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Shcherbatenko, M., Tretyakov, I., Lobanov, Y., Maslennikov, S. N., Kaurova, N., Finkel, M., et al. (2016). Nonequilibrium interpretation of DC properties of NbN superconducting hot electron bolometers. Appl. Phys. Lett., 109(13), 132602.
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Matyushkin, Y., Kaurova, N., Voronov, B., Goltsman, G., & Fedorov, G. (2020). On chip carbon nanotube tunneling spectroscopy. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 28(1), 50–53.
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Goltsman, G., Korneev, A., Izbenko, V., Smirnov, K., Kouminov, P., Voronov, B., et al. (2004). Nano-structured superconducting single-photon detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 520(1-3), 527–529.
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Gol’tsman, G., Korneev, A., Tarkhov, M., Seleznev, V., Divochiy, A., Minaeva, O., et al. (2007). Middle-infrared ultrafast superconducting single photon detector. In 32nd IRMW / 15th ICTE (pp. 115–116).
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Averkin, A. S., Shishkin, A. G., Chichkov, V. I., Voronov, B. M., Goltsman, G. N., Karpov, A., et al. (2014). Tunable frequency-selective surface based on superconducting split-ring resonators. In 8th Metamaterials.
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Jukna, A., Kitaygorsky, J., Pan, D., Cross, A., Perlman, A., Komissarov, I., et al. (2008). Dynamics of hotspot formation in nanostructured superconducting stripes excited with single photons. Acta Physica Polonica A, 113(3), 955–958.
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Tarkhov, M., Claudon, J., Poizat, J. P., Korneev, A., Divochiy, A., Minaeva, O., et al. (2008). Ultrafast reset time of superconducting single photon detectors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 92(24), 241112 (1 to 3).
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Baselmans, J. J. A., Baryshev, A., Reker, S. F., Hajenius, M., Gao, J. R., Klapwijk, T. M., et al. (2005). Direct detection effect in small volume hot electron bolometer mixers. Appl. Phys. Lett., 86(16), 163503 (1 to 3).
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Delacour, C., Claudon, J., Poizat, J. - P., Pannetier, B., Bouchiat, V., de Lamaestre, R. E., et al. (2007). Superconducting single photon detectors made by local oxidation with an atomic force microscope. Appl. Phys. Lett., 90(19), 191116 (1 t0 3).
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Baselmans, J. J. A., Hajenius, M., Gao, J. R., Klapwijk, T. M., de Korte, P. A. J., Voronov, B., et al. (2004). Doubling of sensitivity and bandwidth in phonon cooled hot electron bolometer mixers. Appl. Phys. Lett., 84(11), 1958–1960.
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Korneev, A., Kouminov, P., Matvienko, V., Chulkova, G., Smirnov, K., Voronov, B., et al. (2004). Sensitivity and gigahertz counting performance of NbN superconducting single-photon detectors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 84(26), 5338–5340.
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Fedorov, G., Kardakova, A., Gayduchenko, I., Charayev, I., Voronov, B. M., Finkel, M., et al. (2013). Photothermoelectric response in asymmetric carbon nanotube devices exposed to sub-terahertz radiation. Appl. Phys. Lett., 103(18), 181121 (1 to 5).
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Ejrnaes, M., Cristiano, R., Quaranta, O., Pagano, S., Gaggero, A., Mattioli, F., et al. (2007). A cascade switching superconducting single photon detector. Appl. Phys. Lett., 91(26), 262509 (1 to 3).
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Gao, J. R., Hajenius, M., Tichelaar, F. D., Klapwijk, T. M., Voronov, B., Grishin, E., et al. (2007). Monocrystalline NbN nanofilms on a 3C-SiC∕Si substrate. Appl. Phys. Lett., 91(6), 062504 (1 to 3).
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Kerman, A. J., Dauler, E. A., Yang, J. K. W., Rosfjord, K. M., Anant, V., Berggren, K. K., et al. (2007). Constriction-limited detection efficiency of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 90(10), 101110 (1 to 3).
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Słysz, W., Węgrzecki, M., Bar, J., Grabiec, P., Górska, M., Zwiller, V., et al. (2006). Fiber-coupled single-photon detectors based on NbN superconducting nanostructures for practical quantum cryptography and photon-correlation studies. Appl. Phys. Lett., 88(26), 261113 (1 to 3).
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Kerman, A. J., Dauler, E. A., Keicher, W. E., Yang, J. K. W., Berggren, K. K., Gol’tsman, G., et al. (2006). Kinetic-inductance-limited reset time of superconducting nanowire photon counters. Appl. Phys. Lett., 88(11), 111116 (1 to 3).
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Gol’tsman, G. N., Okunev, O., Chulkova, G., Lipatov, A., Semenov, A., Smirnov, K., et al. (2001). Picosecond superconducting single-photon optical detector. Appl. Phys. Lett., 79(6), 705–707.
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Kawamura, J., Blundell, R., Tong, C. -yu E., Gol’tsman, G., Gershenzon, E., Voronov, B., et al. (1997). Low noise NbN lattice-cooled superconducting hot-electron bolometric mixers at submillimeter wavelengths. Appl. Phys. Lett., 70(12), 1619–1621.
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Semenov, A. D., Gousev, Y. P., Nebosis, R. S., Renk, K. F., Yagoubov, P., Voronov, B. M., et al. (1996). Heterodyne detection of THz radiation with a superconducting hot‐electron bolometer mixer. Appl. Phys. Lett., 69(2), 260–262.
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Lindgren, M., Currie, M., Zeng, W. - S., Sobolewski, R., Cherednichenko, S., Voronov, B., et al. (1998). Picosecond response of a superconducting hot-electron NbN photodetector. Appl. Supercond., 6(7-9), 423–428.
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Zhang, W., Li, N., Jiang, L., Miao, W., Lin, Z. - H., Yao, Q. - J., et al. (2007). Noise behaviour of a THz superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixer. Chinese Phys. Lett., 24(6), 1778–1781.
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Dauler, E. A., Kerman, A. J., Robinson, B. S., Yang, J. K. W., Voronov, B. M., Gol’tsman, G. N., et al. (2006). Achieving high counting rates in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. In CLEO/QELS (JTuD3 (1 to 2)). Optical Society of America.
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Rosfjord, K. M., Yang, J. K. W., Dauler, E. A., Anant, V., Berggren, K. K., Kerman, A. J., et al. (2006). Increased detection efficiencies of nanowire single-photon detectors by integration of an optical cavity and anti-reflection coating. In CLEO/QELS (JTuF2 (1 to 2)).
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Zhang, J., Boiadjieva, N., Chulkova, G., Deslandes, H., Gol'tsman, G. N., Korneev, A., et al. (2003). Noninvasive CMOS circuit testing with NbN superconducting single-photon detectors. Electron. Lett., 39(14), 1086–1088.
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Florya, I. N., Korneeva, Y. P., Sidorova, M. V., Golikov, A. D., Gaiduchenko, I. A., Fedorov, G. E., et al. (2015). Energy relaxtation and hot spot formation in superconducting single photon detectors SSPDs. In EPJ Web of Conferences (Vol. 103, 10004 (1 to 2)).
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Fedorov, G. E., Gaiduchenko, I. A., Golikov, A. D., Rybin, M. G., Obraztsova, E. D., Voronov, B. M., et al. (2015). Response of graphene based gated nanodevices exposed to THz radiation. In EPJ Web of Conferences (Vol. 103, 10003 (1 to 2)).
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Hübers, H. - W., Semenov, A., Richter, H., Birk, M., Krocka, M., Mair, U., et al. (2002). Terahertz Heterodyn Receiver with a hot-electron bolometer mixer. In U. Wolf, J. Farhoomand, & C. R. McCreight (Eds.), Far-IR, Sub-mm & MM Detector Technology Workshop (pp. 3–24). NASA CP. NASA.
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Tong, C. E., Blundell, R., Papa, D. C., Smith, M., Kawamura, J., Gol'tsman, G., et al. (1999). An all solid-state superconducting heterodyne receiver at terahertz frequencies. IEEE Microw. Guid. Wave Lett., 9(9), 366–368.
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Kawamura, J. H., Tong, C. - Y. E., Blundell, R., Cosmo Papa, D., Hunter, T. R., Gol'tsman, G., et al. (1999). An 800 GHz NbN phonon-cooled hot-electron bolometer mixer receiver. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 9(2), 3753–3756.
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Kroug, M., Cherednichenko, S., Merkel, H., Kollberg, E., Voronov, B., Gol'tsman, G., et al. (2001). NbN hot electron bolometric mixers for terahertz receivers. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 11(1), 962–965.
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Meledin, D., Tong, C. Y. - E., Blundell, R., Kaurova, N., Smirnov, K., Voronov, B., et al. (2003). Study of the IF bandwidth of NbN HEB mixers based on crystalline quartz substrate with an MgO buffer layer. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 13(2), 164–167.
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Gol'tsman, G., Minaeva, O., Korneev, A., Tarkhov, M., Rubtsova, I., Divochiy, A., et al. (2007). Middle-infrared to visible-light ultrafast superconducting single-photon detectors. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 17(2), 246–251.
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Baselmans, J. J. A., Hajenius, M., Gao, J. R., Baryshev, A., Kooi, J., Klapwijk, T. M., et al. (2005). NbN hot electron bolometer mixers: sensitivity, LO power, direct detection and stability. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 484–489.
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Schwaab, G. W., Sirmain, G., Schubert, J., Hubers, H. - W., Gol'tsman, G., Cherednichenko, S., et al. (1999). Investigation of NbN phonon-cooled HEB mixers at 2.5 THz. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 9(2), 4233–4236.
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Lobanov, Y. V., Tong, C. - Y. E., Hedden, A. S., Blundell, R., Voronov, B. M., & Gol'tsman, G. N. (2011). Direct measurement of the gain and noise bandwidths of HEB mixers. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 21(3), 645–648.
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Lobanov, Y., Shcherbatenko, M., Finkel, M., Maslennikov, S., Semenov, A., Voronov, B. M., et al. (2015). NbN hot-electron-bolometer mixer for operation in the near-IR frequency range. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 25(3), 2300704 (1 to 4).
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Seliverstov, S., Maslennikov, S., Ryabchun, S., Finkel, M., Klapwijk, T. M., Kaurova, N., et al. (2015). Fast and sensitive terahertz direct detector based on superconducting antenna-coupled hot electron bolometer. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 25(3), 2300304.
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Gol’tsman, G., Okunev, O., Chulkova, G., Lipatov, A., Dzardanov, A., Smirnov, K., et al. (2001). Fabrication and properties of an ultrafast NbN hot-electron single-photon detector. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 11(1), 574–577.
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Hajenius, M., Barends, R., Gao, J. R., Klapwijk, T. M., Baselmans, J. J. A., Baryshev, A., et al. (2005). Local resistivity and the current-voltage characteristics of hot electron bolometer mixers. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 495–498.
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Kitaygorsky, J., Komissarov, I., Jukna, A., Pan, D., Minaeva, O., Kaurova, N., et al. (2007). Dark counts in nanostructured nbn superconducting single-photon detectors and bridges. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 17(2), 275–278.
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Kitaygorsky, J., Zhang, J., Verevkin, A., Sergeev, A., Korneev, A., Matvienko, V., et al. (2005). Origin of dark counts in nanostructured NbN single-photon detectors. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 545–548.
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Lobanov, Y., Shcherbatenko, M., Semenov, A., Kovalyuk, V., Kahl, O., Ferrari, S., et al. (2017). Superconducting nanowire single photon detector for coherent detection of weak signals. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 27(4), 1–5.
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Hajenius, M., Yang, Z. Q., Gao, J. R., Baselmans, J. J. A., Klapwijk, T. M., Voronov, B., et al. (2007). Optimized sensitivity of NbN hot electron bolometer mixers by annealing. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 17(2), 399–402.
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Shurakov, A., Tong, C. - Y. E., Blundell, R., Kaurova, N., Voronov, B., & Gol'tsman, G. (2013). Microwave stabilization of a HEB mixer in a pulse-tube cryocooler. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 23(3), 1501504.
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Dauler, E. A., Robinson, B. S., Kerman, A. J., Yang, J. K. W., Rosfjord, E. K. M., Anant, V., et al. (2007). Multi-element superconducting nanowire single-photon detector. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 17(2), 279–284.
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Jiang, L., Antipov, S. V., Voronov, B. M., Gol'tsman, G. N., Zhang, W., Li, N., et al. (2007). Characterization of the performance of a quasi-optical NbN superconducting HEB mixer. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 17(2), 395–398.
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Loudkov, D., Tong, C. - Y. E., Blundell, R., Kaurova, N., Grishina, E., Voronov, B., et al. (2005). An investigation of the performance of the superconducting HEB mixer as a function of its RF embedding impedance. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 472–475.
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Pearlman, A., Cross, A., Slysz, W., Zhang, J., Verevkin, A., Currie, M., et al. (2005). Gigahertz counting rates of NbN single-photon detectors for quantum communications. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 579–582.
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Yang, J. K. W., Dauler, E., Ferri, A., Pearlman, A., Verevkin, A., Gol’tsman, G., et al. (2005). Fabrication development for nanowire GHz-counting-rate single-photon detectors. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 626–630.
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Jiang, L., Li, J., Zhang, W., Yao, Q. J., Lin, Z. L., Shi, S. C., et al. (2005). Characterization of NbN HEB mixers cooled by a close-cycled 4 Kelvin refrigerator. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 511–513.
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Gol’tsman, G. N., Smirnov, K., Kouminov, P., Voronov, B., Kaurova, N., Drakinsky, V., et al. (2003). Fabrication of nanostructured superconducting single-photon detectors. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 13(2), 192–195.
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Semenov, A. D., Gousev, Y. P., Renk, K. F., Voronov, B. M., Gol'tsman, G. N., Gershenzon, E. M., et al. (1997). Noise characteristics of a NbN hot-electron mixer at 2.5 THz. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 7(2), 3572–3575.
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Karasik, B. S., Gol'tsman, G. N., Voronov, B. M., Svechnikov, S. I., Gershenzon, E. M., Ekstrom, H., et al. (1995). Hot electron quasioptical NbN superconducting mixer. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 5(2), 2232–2235.
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Kawamura, J., Blundell, R., Tong, C. - Y. E., Papa, D. C., Hunter, T. R., Paine, S. N., et al. (2000). Superconductive hot-electron-bolometer mixer receiver for 800-GHz operation. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 48(4), 683–689.
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Jiang, L., Miao, W., Zhang, W., Li, N., Lin, Z. H., Yao, Q. J., et al. (2006). Characterization of a quasi-optical NbN superconducting HEB mixer. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn., 54(7), 2944–2948.
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Meledin, D. V., Marrone, D. P., Tong, C. - Y. E., Gibson, H., Blundell, R., Paine, S. N., et al. (2004). A 1-THz superconducting hot-electron-bolometer receiver for astronomical observations. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn., 52(10), 2338–2343.
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Shurakov, A., Seliverstov, S., Kaurova, N., Finkel, M., Voronov, B., & Goltsman, G. (2012). Input bandwidth of hot electron bolometer with spiral antenna. IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol., 2(4), 400–405.
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Hübers, H. - W., Schubert, J., Krabbe, A., Birk, M., Wagner, G., Semenov, A., et al. (2001). Parylene anti-reflection coating of a quasi-optical hot-electron-bolometric mixer at terahertz frequencies. Infrared Physics & Technology, 42(1), 41–47.
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Schubert, J., Semenov, A., Hübers, H. - W., Gol'tsman, G., Schwaab, G., Voronov, B., et al. (1999). Broad-band terahertz NbN hot-electron bolometric mixer. In Inst. Phys. Conf. (Vol. 167, pp. 663–666).
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Yagoubov, P., Kroug, M., Merkel, H., Kollberg, E., Schubert, J., Hubers, H. W., et al. (1999). Hot electron bolometric mixers based on NbN films deposited on MgO substrates. In Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. (Vol. 167, pp. 687–690). Barcelona, Spain.
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Semenov, A. D., Hübers, H. - W., Schubert, J., Gol'tsman, G. N., Elantiev, A. I., Voronov, B. M., et al. (2000). Design and performance of the lattice-cooled hot-electron terahertz mixer. J. Appl. Phys., 88(11), 6758–6767.
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Cherednichenko, S., Drakinskiy, V., Baubert, J., Krieg, J. - M., Voronov, B., Gol'tsman, G., et al. (2007). Gain bandwidth of NbN hot-electron bolometer terahertz mixers on 1.5 μm Si3N4 / SiO2 membranes. J. Appl. Phys., 101(12), 124508 (1 to 6).
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Gayduchenko, I., Kardakova, A., Fedorov, G., Voronov, B., Finkel, M., Jiménez, D., et al. (2015). Response of asymmetric carbon nanotube network devices to sub-terahertz and terahertz radiation. J. Appl. Phys., 118(19), 194303.
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Baselmans, J. J. A., Baryshev, A., Reker, S. F., Hajenius, M., Gao, J. R., Klapwijk, T. M., et al. (2006). Influence of the direct response on the heterodyne sensitivity of hot electron bolometer mixers. J. Appl. Phys., 100(8), 084510 (1 to 7).
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Kooi, J. W., Baselmans, J. J. A., Baryshev, A., Schieder, R., Hajenius, M., Gao, J. R., et al. (2006). Stability of heterodyne terahertz receivers. J. Appl. Phys., 100(6), 064904 (1 to 9).
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Kawamura, J., Blundell, R., Tong, C. ‐yu E., Gol’tsman, G., Gershenzon, E., & Voronov, B. (1996). Performance of NbN lattice‐cooled hot‐electron bolometric mixers. J. Appl. Phys., 80(7), 4232–4234.
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Milostnaya, I., Korneev, A., Tarkhov, M., Divochiy, A., Minaeva, O., Seleznev, V., et al. (2008). Superconducting single photon nanowire detectors development for IR and THz applications. J. Low Temp. Phys., 151(1-2), 591–596.
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de Lara, D. P., Ejrnaes, M., Casaburi, A., Lisitskiy, M., Cristiano, R., Pagano, S., et al. (2008). Feasibility investigation of NbN nanowires as detector in time-of-flight mass spectrometers for macromolecules of interest in biology (proteins). J. Low Temp. Phys., 151(3-4), 771–776.
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Goltsman, G., Korneev, A., Divochiy, A., Minaeva, O., Tarkhov, M., Kaurova, N., et al. (2009). Ultrafast superconducting single-photon detector. J. Modern Opt., 56(15), 1670–1680.
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