Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
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Antipov, S.; Trifonov, A.; Krause, S.; Meledin, D.; Kaurova, N.; Rudzinski, M.; Desmaris, V.; Belitsky, V.; Goltsman, G. |
Improved bandwidth of a 2 THz hot-electron bolometer heterodyne mixer fabricated on sapphire with a GaN buffer layer |
2019 |
Supercond. Sci. Technol. |
32 |
075003 |
Bakhvalova, T.; Belkin, M. E.; Kovalyuk, V. V.; Prokhodtcov, A. I.; Goltsman, G. N.; Sigov, A. S. |
Studying key principles for design and fabrication of silicon photonic-based beamforming networks |
2019 |
PIERS-Spring |
745-751 |
Baksheeva, K.; Vdovydchenko, A.; Gorshkov, K.; Ozhegov, R.; Kinev, N.; Koshelets, V.; Goltsman, G. |
Study of human skin radiation in the terahertz frequency range |
2019 |
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. |
1410 |
012076 (1 to 5) |
Bandurin, Denis; Svintsov, Dmitry; Gayduchenko, Igor; Xu, Shuigang; Principi, Alessandro; Moskotin, Maksim; Tretyakov, Ivan; Yagodkin, Denis; Zhukov, Sergey; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Grigorieva, Irina; Polini, Marco; Goltsman, Gregory; Geim, Andre; Fedorov, Georgy |
Resonant terahertz photoresponse and superlattice plasmons in graphene field-effect transistors |
2019 |
APS March Meeting |
F14.015 |
Chandrasekar, R.; Lapin, Z. J.; Nichols, A. S.; Braun, R. M.; Fountain, A. W. |
Photonic integrated circuits for Department of Defense-relevant chemical and biological sensing applications: state-of-the-art and future outlooks |
2019 |
Opt. Eng. |
58 |
1 |