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Abstract: We studied superconducting gap dynamics in a BCS superconductor NbN and electron doped cuprate superconductor PCCO following excitation with near-infrared (NIR) and narrow band THz pulses. Systematic studies on PCCO imply very selective electron-phonon coupling.
Betz, A. L., Johnson, M. A., McLaren, R. A., & Sutton, E. C. (1976). Heterodyne detection of CO2 emission lines and wind velocities in the atmosphere of Venus. Astrophys. J., 208, L141–L144.
Johnson, M. A., Betz, A. L., McLaren, R. A., Townes, C. H., & Sutton, E. C. (1976). Nonthermal 10 micron CO2 emission lines in the atmospheres of Mars and Venus. A&A, 208, 145.
Keywords: carbon dioxide, emission spectra, infrared spectra, mars atmosphere, nonthermal radiation, optical heterodyning, planetary radiation, venus atmosphere, absorption spectra, energy transfer, line spectra, molecular absorption, molecular collisions, near infrared radiation, solar flux
Zhang, J., Pearlman, A., Slysz, W., Verevkin, A., Sobolewski, R., Okunev, O., et al. (2003). Infrared picosecond superconducting single-photon detectors for CMOS circuit testing. In CLEO/QELS (Cmv4). Optical Society of America.
Abstract: Novel, NbN superconducting single-photon detectors have been developed for ultrafast, high quantum efficiency detection of single quanta of infrared radiation. Our devices have been successfully implemented in a commercial VLSI CMOS circuit testing system.