Elezov, M. S., Semenov, A. V., An, P. P., Tarkhov, M. A., Goltsman, G. N., Kardakova, A. I., et al. (2013). Investigating the detection regimes of a superconducting single-photon detector. J. Opt. Technol., 80(7), 435.
Abstract: The detection regimes of a superconducting single-photon detector have been investigated. A technique is proposed for determining the regions in which “pure regimes” predominate. Based on experimental data, the dependences of the internal quantum efficiency on the bias current are determined in the one-, two-, and three-photon detection regimes.
Marsili, F., Verma, V. B., Stern, J. A., Harrington, S., Lita, A. E., Gerrits, T., et al. (2013). Detecting single infrared photons with 93% system efficiency. Nat. Photon., 7(3), 210–214.
Abstract: Single-photon detectors1 at near-infrared wavelengths with high system detection efficiency (>90%), low dark count rate (<1 c.p.s.), low timing jitter (<100 ps) and short reset time (<100 ns) would enable landmark experiments in a variety of fields2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Although some of the existing approaches to single-photon detection fulfil one or two of the above specifications1, to date, no detector has met all of the specifications simultaneously. Here, we report on a fibre-coupled single-photon detection system that uses superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors7 and closely approaches the ideal performance of single-photon detectors. Our detector system has a system detection efficiency (including optical coupling losses) greater than 90% in the wavelength range λ = 1,520–1,610 nm, with a device dark count rate (measured with the device shielded from any background radiation) of ~1 c.p.s., timing jitter of ~150 ps full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) and reset time of 40 ns.
Zhang, J., Pearlman, A., Slysz, W., Verevkin, A., Sobolewski, R., Okunev, O., et al. (2003). Infrared picosecond superconducting single-photon detectors for CMOS circuit testing. In CLEO/QELS (Cmv4). Optical Society of America.
Abstract: Novel, NbN superconducting single-photon detectors have been developed for ultrafast, high quantum efficiency detection of single quanta of infrared radiation. Our devices have been successfully implemented in a commercial VLSI CMOS circuit testing system.
Чулкова, Г. М., Семенов, А. В., Корнеев, А. А., Кардакова, А. И., Аверьев, Н. В., Ан, П. П., et al. (2011). Спектральная чувствительность сверхпроводникового однофотонного детектора. Ж. радиоэлектрон., 11, 5.
Abstract: We consider quantum efficiency dependence on photons' energy from hot spot model. Direction of quasiparticles diffusion drive across superconductive film. The maximal quantum efficiency is proportional to a probability of photon absorption. The spectral sensitivity of superconductive single photon detector does not have clearly expressed red limit. Changing regimes of work depends on a wavelength we can get high values of quantum efficiency in visible and infrared range which will be specified by the quality of fabrication of detectors and their consistency with the radiation.
Key words: superconducting single-photon detector, SSPD, quantum efficiency, spectral sensitivity.
В статье представлена зависимость квантовой эффективности от энергии фотона в рамках модели горячего пятна. Диффузия квазичастиц происходит в основном перпендикулярно направлению тока в областях с максимальной плотностью тока. Максимальная квантовая эффективность детектора пропорциональна вероятности поглощения фотона. Несмотря на квантовый характер работы сверхпроводникового однофотонного детектора, он не имеет четко выраженной красной границы. Изменяя режим работы в зависимости от длины волны можно в видимом и инфракрасном диапазонах получать высокие значения квантовой эффективности, которые будут определяться лишь качеством изготовления детекторов и степенью их согласования с излучением.